I can remember the day when I learned I was going to become a father. It was over seventeen years ago, but it really does seem like just yesterday. The thought of being responsible for a new life, someone completely dependant upon me was overwhelming. I remember driving down to the local K-Mart to pick up some house items, walking through the aisles in a daze of confusion. Something caught my eye, and it brought everything into perspective (yeah, just like that). A young couple, younger than me, pushing a stroller with a young toddler; meanwhile the young woman was pregnant (and very close to delivering). They walked through the store like it was any ordinary day. I knew from watching them for three minutes that I would be able to raise children as well. from www.almightydad.com Life became challenging right away, and hasn't gotten any easier since. Each step along the way, I kept telling myself that it was going to get easier, but mu...
Most of us will spend a majority of our career in Middle Management. Instead of dreading it, embrace it for what you can glean from living in the ultimate squeeze play.