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Showing posts from December, 2011

Leadership By Necessity Not By Vanity

A paramount virtue of a true leader is the ability to recognize the need  to step up and lead regardless of whether anyone is watching or where the spotlight may be pointed.  Some people aspire to lead, and need others follow them in order to bolster up their self-esteem and self-worth.  Recently, my brother lent me a book, Falling to Earth   by Astronaut Al Worden, the Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot. I have always been fascinated by the US and Soviet/Russian space programs since I vaguely remember the 1971 Apollo 15 live coverage.  What was most interesting about this book, was its uncanny similarity to other books I have read recently on the 101st Airborne 506th Parachute Infantry; better known as "The Band of Brothers."  Stephen Ambrose wrote a book, of the same name back in 1992 which was later produced as a ten episode HBO miniseries chronicling the Easy Company soldiers from their training in Toccoa, Georgia through the Normandy Invasion, Ba...