As a supervisor, the relationship that we maintain with our team is based on trust. Our team needs to trust that we are making fair and objective decisions. The mere hint in impropriety can disperse a group effort, leaving the results of any action in question, and threaten our ability to achieve our goals. When I was in elementary school, I heard plenty about my "Permanent Record" and how all of my transgressions would be tallied against me in later life. It is a bit banal how adults can terrorize children into behaving, but it works, so we'll keep it (only joking). There is a segment of the workforce that I have worked with that seems obsessed with the idea of having the perfect record. This could be a perfect driving record, a perfect on-time bill payment record, and of course, the perfect work record. There will be a time when these records get broken. When that happens, it is important to keep going, and not lose focus. The importan...
Most of us will spend a majority of our career in Middle Management. Instead of dreading it, embrace it for what you can glean from living in the ultimate squeeze play.